Wednesday, September 23, 2009

scratch it off.

Who ever knew that scratching something with a pen could be so liberating.

I make tons of lists:
1. To-Do List
2. To Buy List
3. To Remember List
4. To Call List
5. To Make List
6. Homework List
(the list can go on and on)

When I moved away I discovered that OCD List Making Part of me. I constantly am thinking of new things to add to my lists. So if I don't have a piece of paper with me at all times, I will totally forget everything.
It's like one of those moments you are sitting in class and you remember, "Oh I need to buy some fruit when I go to the store." But of coarse you don't write it down, you go to Publix later that day, return back to your apartment, and realize at midnight that night, when those late night hunger cravings come, that you totally forgot to buy fruit at the store. So you are left sitting there, with an unfulfilled craving, wishing you had remembered to buy fruit. Then you slowly realize, if only you had written it down on a list then you would have remembered to buy fruit. It is like an instant moment of frustration at yourself because you are so disappointed that you could not remember something as simple as fruit.
So basically, writing lists helps you remember. You know, like that friends Birthday you completely forgot about until the night before and you realize that you totally forgot to get something so you are stuck there for multiple hours making a homemade card, but of coarse the first 5 times you attempt to make the card you aren't satisfied so that's a whole other kind of stress that you now bring upon yourself. The "Why am I not creative, or Why can't this look good?"

Making To-Do lists is one of my favorite things in the whole world. This is a whole process for me:
1. Write down all the things that need to be done
2. Prioritize these things
3. Organize by the date they are due or the amount of time that they need to be completed in
4. Start Doing.

I think that one of the most liberating feelings is scratching that thing off your list. You suffer from the stress of having things to do, but as you slowly get them done you can visually see how much you have accomplished, and release your stress by the simple crossing of the pen across the paper.

Lists can reduce stress and make your time more efficient. You get the important things done first, don't forget things, and you don't get stressed by a huge number of unimportant jobs.

Anyways this is basically a blog about list making which is kinda boring, but you know what oh well. I am just glad I can benefit from the stress relieving task of doing and scratching off.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with projects, schoolwork, work, life, things to do, I suggest trying to make a list. Let's not go overboard and make a list for everything but make a list for what is important. Experience the freeing feeling of getting stuff done.

Monday, September 14, 2009

thanks for my analness.

so basically I have no time to blog, but I'm occasionally getting little spurts of inspiration to share my adventures with you.

Last week was crazy, and super fun. I think it was the first week I actually felt like a college student. Cram studying, staying up until 5am, going out and having a great time. It was just a blasty blast. I might have spread myself a little TOO thin considering that I have two tests today and I still have to study for my one at noon and take my first one, its only 9am.

But despite that, let me share with you something short and sweet that happened yesterday.

On my way to work of coarse I have to stop by and getting my usual coffee and bagel. I surprisingly was running really early to work so I was in no hurry at all.

I get to the door of Lilly and ring the doorbell, with my hands full of my coffee, tumbler, sunglasses, & purse. Well the second after I rang the doorbell, turns out my coffee decides to just slip out of my hand and in the attempt to grab it and stop it from falling, it completely explodes ALL over me. I mean everywhere, on my other stuff I was holding, in my hair, on my dress. Did I mention that I was wearing one of my favorite Lilly dresses, and granted it was my first Lilly dress I have ever owned.

I honestly, really wasn't pissed. I think I was shocked that my coffee had seriously just exploded all over me.

Well, THANK GOODNESS for overpacking!!!!!!

Because, if you couldn't tell from my previous blog, I love to overpack. Well it finally came in handy!!!

If it wasn't for my overpacking then I wouldn't have had an extra(or more than one extra) Lilly dresses in my car that I could change into for work for the day. For once my overpacking finally came in handy! I was worried about staining my dress, but in the end was relieved and excited that I had another outfit in my car that was clean, crisp, and ready to go.

Thank goodness for my OCD anal overpacking.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Like seriously, I HATE packing.
It's that feeling you get
"What am I going to wear?" "Do I have everything?" "Am I sure I'm not forgetting anything?" "Which outfit should I wear?" "Do I really need all of this?"
It's like the anxiety of stress that you get when the idiot pulls out in the middle of the road in front of you and for a split second you think you are going to get into a wreck.
It's like a mini one second heart attack/stroke.

I thought it was going to end at packing up my room from Titusville and moving it all to Orlando.
Boy was I wrong. I have seriously packed and unpacked a bazillion times. Whether it be to come home for the night, weekend, or travel to the main campus for a bit. And every single time I pack..I go wayy over the top and completely overpack. I mean like for two days I pack like eight outfits. I mean you have to keep your options open and be available for every occasion that could take place. I mean you never know when you are going to be sprung upon by a sudden lunch/dinner date, or a light shower, or a powerful treacherous thunderstorm. (always bring the galoshes)
So now I find myself packing for the ROADTRiP!! this weekend..and of suitcase is busting at the seams....with too many outfits that will never be worn up in South Carolina.
Oh well..always be prepared. You know what I mean?

So even though I have taken like a one hour break from packing, unfortunately I must get back to it. Today has been a successful day.
1. I actually made it through all three of my classes.
2. I cleaned my room
3. I managed to print out all of my class notes
4. I started upon the stressful task of packing
5. Went shopping with Lisa :)
6. Made a greatttt find at Gordon's riing..yes :)
7. Had an amazing dinner at Bahama Breeze
8. Got a lot done.
9. Let's check everything off this list and call it a day :)

xox...iloveorlando. :)